
Holtye Golf Club

Winter League Rules 2024 - 2025


Format of the Winter League will be Greensomes Matchplay as laid down on the starting sheets.


There will be two leagues playing on designated Sundays over the Autumn and Winter months.

  Main Winter League Finals

The top two pairs from each league will qualify for a semi final place in the main Winter League competition.

  Plate Finals

The 3rd and 4th placed pairs from each league will qualify for the semi-finals of the Plate Competition.


Each match will be played in accordance with the published itinerary.


Greensomes - Matchplay allowance: - CONGU Recommendations

In matchplay, CONGU's recommendations for handicap are the full difference between "˜Greensomes Handicaps'

To calculate a Greensomes Handicap, CONGU recommends it should be 0.6 of the lower player's handicap and 0.4 of the higher player's. If both handicaps are equal, it should be half the combined total.

To calculate, please refer to the Handicap Table posted on the website and adjacent notice board.

Course Handicap limit - Men - 28 & Ladies 36.

Men will play from the YELLOW Tees. Ladies play from the RED Tees with 3 added Courtesy shots.


All matches must be played to the 18th green and the final score posted on the board on that day.  Results posted must contain the final score at the 18th.

In the event of a tie at the end of the league, the pair with the higher "Holes Up" will progress to the later stages.


All matches are played over 18 holes.


Matches will be allotted Tee-Off times from 8:00 am on Sunday mornings.


Matches can be played prior to the "play-by" date by mutual agreement. These games should advise the Organiser and Pro' shop, that their allotted Tee-Off times are no longer required.

 If a match has been played before the allotted date and the course is closed due to adverse weather conditions on the original allotted date, the result will stand.

 Players wishing to bring their matches forward MUST inform Chris Green (07814 871285 or 01342 317037).

 Players may only bring their matches forward a maximum of 1 week from the original "play-by" date.

 If a match is brought forward and the course is closed on that particular date, then the match will be halved.  The weekend where it should have been played cannot be reverted to.


2 points are awarded for a win, and 1 for a draw.


In the event of a tie or ties at the end of the leagues, after counting the number of points and "holes up", qualification places will be decided by the pair with the most number of wins during the course of the league. If both pairs are still equal, qualification will be decided on the outcome of the match between the two. If still equal, lots will be drawn.


Any pair who have not previously agreed a time other than their allotted Tee-Off time win be penalised 2 holes for lateness on the tee and will lose the match if they have not appeared 15 minutes after their Tee-Off time. The pair failing to turn up will lose the match and receive a score of 18 down. The winners of the match will be awarded the average winning score of the day of their league.

 12 - Substitutes

Substitutes will not be allowed in the knock out stages (i.e. semi finals / finals), but will be allowed during the league format. Substitutes must not come from the same league. The same substitute must not be used more than twice in any pair.

There can only be one substitute per team at any one time. If both players of a particular pair are unavailable, they must offer the match to their opponents or agree to play prior to the play by date.


Replacement of competitors in the leagues due to unforeseen circumstances will be considered by the Golf Committee. A player being replaced will then be ineligible to participate in any way at all for the remainder of the competition.


If the course is closed on the day of the winter league, all matches will be awarded a draw - 1 point each.


If the course becomes unplayable due to adverse weather conditions during the course of the match (i.e. greens flooded), the competitors may jointly agree to abandon their match, Match drawn, 1 point each.


All queries / disputes relating to the competition must be referred to the Golf Committee, whose decision in all matters will be final and binding.

Chris Green

Winter League Golf Organiser

September 2024

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.