
Holtye Golf Club


Holtye Golf Club is a traditional Members Club now offering a modern and affordable approach to club membership.  Occasional Membership will provide all the benefits of belonging to a club but with a cost effective and reasonable subscription.  
Occasional Membership is designed to suit those whose working and family life leaves little time to play golf and who cannot justify the full subscription.
Occasional members will pay an annual subscription fee to include 420 credits. The number of credits charged for a round of golf will vary dependent on the times of day, week or season you choose to play.
Each time you play, the credits used are automatically recorded.  If this does not provide enough rounds you can purchase one top-up of 180 credits.
Upgrade to traditional Full Membership is available if required credit being allowed for the sums already paid within the golf year..
Occasional Members have full social rights.
Please see Terms & Conditions below

Terms & Conditions of Occasional Golf  

The annual subscription of £525.00 is payable on 1st June. This excludes all affiliation fees to England Golf and the Sussex County Golf Union. Full details are included on the Membership Fees page   membership_fees
The subscription initially includes 420 credits with one top up per annum of 180 credits allowed at an additional payment of £250.  
Credits will be applied as follows:

Summer Golf (1st April - 30th September)

Peak After 3pm Saturday/Sunday
18 Holes 18 credits 16 credits 22 credits
9 Holes 13 credits 10 credits 17 credits

  Winter Golf (1st October - 31st March)

Peak After 3pm  Saturday/Sunday
18 Holes 17 credits N/A 21 credits
9 Holes 12 credits 9 credits 16 credits

Initial credits have to be used up in that year.  Unused top up credits will be carried over at year end provided membership is renewed. If membership is not renewed any credit balance will be forfeited.
Credits are strictly non-transferable.
Credits can only be used for the member’s own golf.  
The Club will monitor the credits through the booking in system.
Credits cannot be spent on any Pro Shop purchases, buggy hire or competition entry fees.
Occasional Members cannot play as a guest of another member.
Occasional Members are not entitled to use the reciprocal arrangements with other clubs; these remain a perk of Full Membership.
Occasional Members can play in all Club competitions.  
Home matches count against the 420 credits.
Occasional Members may gain and maintain an official WHS handicap.
The full amount of credits due will be payable even if the full nine or eighteen holes are not completed.  Participation in other formats of play like Foursomes or Greensomes is considered to be a round of golf.
Occasional Members may upgrade to Full Membership at any time.
The Management Committee reserves the right to amend these terms and conditionals at any time.

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